Belarus: Progress of spring field work, update: May 29, 2020

Zerno.Ru was informed in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus, that as of May 29, 2020 all spring crops sown at 2577.8 thousand hectares or 101.1% of the plan of 2550.0 thousand hectares (last year on the same date - 2586.2 thousand hectares, 105.5%).Corn sown at 1204.5 thousand hectares or 106.0% of the plan of 1136.8 thousand hectares (last year on the same date - 1096.4 thousand hectares, 107.4%).Buckwheat sown at 24.2 thousand hectares or 106.3% of the plan of 22.8 thousand hectares (last year on the same date - 10.8 thousand hectares, 84.4%).

Operational information on the progress of agricultural work in the Republic of Belarus. Updated on May 29, 2020

Belarus total Including by region
Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno Minsk Mogilev
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
Sowing plan for all spring crops, 1000 ha 2550.0 413.8 439.0 508.2 330.0 533.3 325.7
Actually all spring crops sown, 1000 ha 2577.8 2586.2 418.1 412.5 379.8 363.9 533.6 535.8 337.6 338.2 548.3 550.8 360.4 385.1
To planned, % 101.1 105.5 101.0 106.4 86.5 112.6 105.0 98.5 102.3 100.4 102.8 104.7 110.6 115.4
Corn sowing plan total, 1000 ha 1136.8 215.0 91.9 329.1 133.8 247.4 119.6
Actually corn sown total, 1000 ha 1204.5 1096.4 215.4 197.5 101.5 79.1 349.1 340.3 140.0 125.9 247.6 226.9 151.0 126.7
To planned, % 106.0 107.4 100.2 107.0 110.4 131.8 106.1 100.0 104.7 102.9 100.1 107.5 126.2 124.0
Sowing plan for buckwheat, 1000 ha 22.8 4.5 0.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Actually buckwheat sown, 1000 ha 24.2 10.8 4.5 0.7 0.4 0.0 6.0 4.7 4.5 2.8 4.5 1.1 4.3 1.6
To planned, % 106.3 84.4 100.7 700.0 126.7 1.7 133.3 78.0 100.9 101.9 100.7 48.6 94.7 106.0


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