Ukraine: Import and export for 11 months of 2021

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by Zerno.Ru, in 11 months (January - November) 2021:

  • Export of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made total 18 897 635 MT, in November only - 2 375 131 MT. Import of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made total 17 744 MT, in November only - 230 MT.
  • Export of barley (HS code 1003) has made total 5 412 084 MT, in November only - 434 952 MT. Import of barley (HS code 1003) has made total 39 655 MT, in November only - 0 MT.
  • Export of corn (HS code 1005) has made total 19 777 699 MT, in November only - 3 791 803 MT. Import of corn (HS code 1005) has made total 16 552 MT, in November only - 991 MT.
  • Export of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made total 98 962 MT, in November only - 8 498 MT. Import of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made total 13 341 MT, in November only - 500 MT.
  • Export and import of Ukraine in 11 months 2021 (main countries)

    HS code Good/Country Export Import
    Weight (MT) Value (thousand $) Weight (MT) Value (thousand $)
    1001 wheat and meslin (total) 18 897 635 4 724 708 17 744 5 276
    Bangladesh 849 373 217 103 0 0
    Belarus 0 0 15 598 3 166
    Egypt 3 119 698 799 686 0 0
    Yemen 712 672 181 831 0 0
    Indonesia 3 054 426 730 565 0 0
    Lebanon 568 559 141 188 0 0
    Libya 569 509 146 486 0 0
    Morocco 743 721 199 853 0 0
    Germany 3 011 1 666 639 766
    Pakistan 1 169 002 302 430 0 0
    Saudi Arabia 664 415 171 439 0 0
    Tunisia 645 419 162 830 0 0
    Turkey 1 504 200 367 289 0 0
    1002 rye (total) 95 960 19 787 1 261 2 324
    Israel 4 042 855 0 0
    Spain 9 200 1 769 0 0
    Latvia 3 386 680 0 0
    Lithuania 13 155 2 566 0 0
    Germany 6 9 1 023 2 105
    Poland 33 348 6 188 0 0
    Turkey 27 843 5 599 0 0
    1003 barley (total) 5 412 084 1 214 170 39 655 10 048
    Belarus 0 0 4 667 789
    Jordan 250 320 58 132 0 0
    China 2 863 825 661 272 0 0
    Libya 343 014 71 681 0 0
    Russia 0 0 28 564 6 727
    Saudi Arabia 372 776 79 645 0 0
    Tunisia 207 452 48 657 0 0
    Turkey 790 323 169 412 0 0
    Sweden 0 0 5 992 2 022
    1004 oats (total) 15 861 3 838 410 113
    India 5 804 1 131 0 0
    Libya 2 561 493 0 0
    Germany 682 257 25 35
    Pakistan 3 025 627 0 0
    Hungary 902 393 0 0
    Switzerland 506 221 0 0
    1005 corn (total) 19 777 699 4 712 625 16 552 82 236
    Austria 275 1 601 827 8 031
    Egypt 1 855 841 440 061 0 0
    Iran 1 378 911 360 335 0 0
    Spain 1 779 818 416 552 491 325
    Italy 647 438 150 922 7 21
    China 6 291 522 1 489 443 0 0
    Netherlands 1 954 807 464 217 0 0
    Portugal 605 107 140 181 0 0
    Romania 228 386 2 738 9 540
    Turkey 659 857 154 488 180 565
    Hungary 5 343 2 049 4 181 15 219
    France 96 276 6 069 41 855
    1006 rice (total) 9 931 6 113 73 717 38 320
    India 0 0 27 400 14 042
    Kazakhstan 0 0 10 379 4 114
    China 0 1 18 546 8 300
    Pakistan 0 0 9 330 5 411
    Poland 703 381 20 26
    Moldova 2 587 1 486 23 10
    Romania 858 520 0 0
    Thailand 0 0 2 453 1 965
    Turkey 5 106 3 362 39 21
    Czech Republic 601 303 0 0
    1007 sorghum (total) 54 235 12 953 382 1 602
    Israel 23 908 5 384 0 0
    Iraq 3 775 675 0 0
    United Arab Emirates 1 732 468 0 0
    Poland 5 043 1 568 0 0
    Turkey 10 581 2 552 0 0
    1008 buckwheat and other cereals (total) 156 464 44 260 22 145 12 300
    Belgium 5 132 1 430 0 0
    Belarus 0 0 2 536 529
    Indonesia 32 441 9 040 0 0
    Italy 4 820 1 486 0 1
    Kazakhstan 6 6 6 838 4 455
    Morocco 8 764 1 940 0 0
    Germany 9 672 3 198 0 0
    South Africa 7 093 1 874 0 0
    Poland 11 297 3 893 154 43
    Republic Of Korea 6 053 1 670 0 0
    Russia 0 0 12 385 6 709
    United Kingdom 4 854 1 307 0 0
    Usa 5 348 1 667 1 7
    1101 wheat flour and rye flour (total) 98 962 33 278 13 341 4 327
    Belarus 1 529 604 10 631 2 480
    The State of Palestine 15 852 5 657 0 0
    Djibouti 4 868 1 881 0 0
    Israel 15 592 5 595 0 0
    Italy 0 0 2 139 1 518
    United Arab Emirates 27 652 7 932 0 0
    Moldova 11 931 4 047 92 25
    Somalia 13 980 4 861 0 0
    1102 other flour (total) 1 224 2 853 14 936 2 923
    Belarus 230 68 14 696 2 773

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