Belarus: Export and import of corn in January - December 2019 (FCS)

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by, in December 2019 Belarus has imported 26.7 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 12 months of corn import campaign, Belarus has shipped in 333.4 thousand tons (in 2018 - 189.9 thousand MT; in 2017 - 71.4 thousand MT).
In the period January - December 2019, the main countries exporters of corn to Belarus were UKRAINE (77.38%) and RUSSIA (20.16%).

In December 2019 Belarus has exported 0.0 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 12 months of corn export campaign, Belarus has shipped out 0.0 thousand tons (in 2018 - 9.0 thousand MT; in 2017 - 0.1 thousand MT).
In the period January - December 2019, the main countries importers of corn from Belarus were RUSSIA (90.91%) and FRANCE (9.09%).


Countries – exporters of corn to Belarus in January - December 2019, MT

Import to Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2017 2018 2019 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
UKRAINE 16465 5616 11639 15673 23773 34038 40192 39850 20178 7753 4713 22427 20400 17338 257974
RUSSIA 47909 177572 6897 1265 3578 1484 509 2399 1582 10 953 21468 17914 9155 67212
MOLDOVA 3005 2334 1061 1600 126 177 34 20 3019
FRANCE 1126 1438 151 367 579 482 18 80 1677
HUNGARY 1161 865 90 598 356 24 60 90 1218
SLOVAKIA 525 583 37 175 261 253 4 11 741
SERBIA 234 320 96 45 79 212 432
ROMANIA 428 387 19 60 208 75 2 18 382
GERMANY 322 367 55 42 47 174 5 2 43 369
AUSTRIA 19 76 69 45 2 18 135
USA 20 79 20 20 20 20 20 20 118
ARGENTINA 40 15 3 3 31 3 5 4 48
POLAND 33 60 22 9 31
SPAIN 21 21
NEW ZEALAND 10 4 6 21
CHILE 3 6 6
TURKEY 88 84
Total 71447 189864 18896 18801 30856 37297 40926 42275 21847 7856 5666 43899 38353 26732 333405




Countries – importers of corn from Belarus in January - December 2019, MT

Export from Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2017 2018 2019 2019
1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 12
RUSSIA 65 109 2 2 2 6 3 5 3 2 4 28
Total 65 9019 2 2 2 6 3 5 3 3 2 4 31




Exports of corn to Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Exports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2017 2018 2019
jan 0 0 2
feb 0 0 4
mar 0 99 6
apr 40 1177 12
may 65 3414 14
jun 65 6542 14
jul 65 6542 19
aug 65 7629 19
sep 65 9017 22
oct 65 9017 25
nov 65 9017 27
dec 65 9019 31




Imports of corn from Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Imports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2017 2018 2019
jan 1578 4137 18896
feb 3971 18205 37698
mar 9605 43641 68553
apr 20116 69634 105850
may 24599 87926 146776
jun 30385 107791 189051
jul 43289 118776 210898
aug 51937 127967 218755
sep 59926 129784 224421
oct 62361 142333 268319
nov 64797 169449 306673
dec 71447 189864 333405




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