Belarus: Export and import of corn in January - March 2020 (FCS)

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by, in March 2020 Belarus has imported 31.5 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 3 months of corn import campaign, Belarus has shipped in 62.5 thousand tons (in 2019 - 68.6 thousand MT; in 2018 - 43.6 thousand MT).
In the period January - March 2020, the main countries exporters of corn to Belarus were UKRAINE (77.34%) and RUSSIA (12.25%).

In March 2020 Belarus has exported 0.3 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 3 months of corn export campaign, Belarus has shipped out 0.3 thousand tons (in 2019 - 0.0 thousand MT; in 2018 - 0.1 thousand MT).
In the period January - March 2020, the main countries importers of corn from Belarus were LITHUANIA (99.03%) and RUSSIA (0.97%).


Countries – exporters of corn to Belarus in January - March 2020, MT

Import to Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2018 2019 2020 2020
1 2 3
UKRAINE 5616 246761 12585 12005 23767 48357
RUSSIA 177573 56637 3168 1035 3453 7657
MOLDOVA 2334 3019 132 2312 2444
GERMANY 367 369 153 593 298 1044
FRANCE 1438 1677 175 313 417 905
SLOVAKIA 583 741 29 217 640 886
HUNGARY 865 1218 227 313 539
ROMANIA 387 382 40 258 168 466
AUSTRIA 76 135 26 51 77
POLAND 60 31 70 70
USA 79 119 20 20 41
SERBIA 320 432 37 37
ARGENTINA 17 46 4 4
CHILE 3 6 1 1
TURKEY 84 0 0
Total 189867 311615 16150 14831 31547 62527




Countries – importers of corn from Belarus in January - March 2020, MT

Export from Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2018 2019 2020 2020
1 2 3
LITHUANIA 4375 279 279
RUSSIA 111 28 0 1 2 3
Total 9020 31 0 1 280 282




Exports of corn to Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Exports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2018 2019 2020
jan 0 2 0
feb 0 4 1
mar 99 6 282
apr 1177 12
may 3414 14
jun 6542 14
jul 6542 19
aug 7629 20
sep 9017 23
oct 9018 25
nov 9018 27
dec 9020 31




Imports of corn from Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Imports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2018 2019 2020
jan 4137 18896 16150
feb 18206 37745 30980
mar 43642 68601 62527
apr 69636 105898
may 87928 146824
jun 107793 189100
jul 118779 210947
aug 127970 218803
sep 129786 224469
oct 142336 246530
nov 169452 284883
dec 189867 311615




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