Belarus: Export and import of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour in January - October 2020 (FCS)

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by, in October 2020 Belarus has imported 1.8 thousand tons of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour. According to the results of 10 months of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour import campaign, Belarus has shipped in 24.9 thousand tons (in 2019 - 41.5 thousand MT; in 2018 - 24.4 thousand MT).
In the period January - October 2020, the main countries exporters of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour to Belarus were RUSSIA (87.93%) and UKRAINE (9.66%).

In October 2020 Belarus has exported 3.1 thousand tons of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour. According to the results of 10 months of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour export campaign, Belarus has shipped out 6.8 thousand tons (in 2019 - 4.0 thousand MT; in 2018 - 17.8 thousand MT).
In the period January - October 2020, the main countries importers of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour from Belarus were RUSSIA (72.34%) and UKRAINE (24.16%).


Countries – exporters of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour to Belarus in January - October 2020, MT

Import to Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2018 2019 2020 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RUSSIA 25217 45602 2134 3174 3808 2638 1318 1204 1625 2089 2290 1573 21853
UKRAINE 3038 3552 60 365 541 385 105 100 128 213 298 207 2401
ITALY 135 189 24 2 15 20 2 16 25 23 15 24 166
GERMANY 60 227 0 22 22 24 22 22 22 22 154
POLAND 128 182 21 21 10 10 21 21 104
LITHUANIA 30 75 7 9 9 7 16 7 9 11 8 14 95
FRANCE 34 21 6 12 6 25
ROMANIA 1 23 23
FINLAND 65 72 2 1 6 1 2 1 3 16
KAZAKHSTAN 12 253 4 8 12
Total 28726 50187 2249 3600 4388 3082 1466 1376 1832 2359 2661 1842 24853




Countries – importers of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour from Belarus in January - October 2020, MT

Export from Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2018 2019 2020 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RUSSIA 10473 4060 93 136 379 457 564 416 69 425 733 1631 4901
UKRAINE 8821 324 20 19 18 254 1327 1637
MOLDOVA 367 1 20 126 146
GEORGIA 1221 4 2 3 5 3 5 0 4 3 25
AZERBAIJAN 4 4 2 4 1 7
ARMENIA 3 6 4 2 6
COMORS 56 70
South Africa 40
QATAR 69 24
Total 21563 4499 97 203 381 470 587 443 88 428 992 3087 6775




Exports of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour to Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Exports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2018 2019 2020
jan 1461 1400 97
feb 2785 2139 299
mar 4595 2236 681
apr 6376 2266 1150
may 8562 2290 1737
jun 10385 3301 2180
jul 12266 3474 2269
aug 14127 3575 2696
sep 15663 3665 3689
oct 17779 3970 6775
nov 19475 4189
dec 21563 4499




Imports of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour from Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Imports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2018 2019 2020
jan 2511 1533 2249
feb 5805 4072 5849
mar 9245 8568 10237
apr 12400 14932 13319
may 14757 18488 14784
jun 16949 22386 16160
jul 18296 26719 17991
aug 20224 31491 20351
sep 22005 36272 23011
oct 24356 41529 24853
nov 26515 45451
dec 28726 50187




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