Belarus: Export and import of corn in January - March 2021 (FCS)

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by, in March 2021 Belarus has imported 17.7 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 3 months of corn import campaign, Belarus has shipped in 27.8 thousand tons (in 2020 - 62.5 thousand MT; in 2019 - 68.6 thousand MT).
In the period January - March, the main countries exporters of corn to Belarus were RUSSIA (48.76%) and UKRAINE (30.80%).

In March 2021 Belarus has exported 15.7 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 3 months of corn export campaign, Belarus has shipped out 35.3 thousand tons (in 2020 - 0.3 thousand MT; in 2019 - 0.0 thousand MT).
In the period January - March, the main countries importers of corn from Belarus were LITHUANIA (44.15%) and LATVIA (31.29%).


Countries – exporters of corn to Belarus in January - March, MT

Import to Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2019 2020 2021 2021
1 2 3
RUSSIA 56637 23404 2309 2162 9098 13569
UKRAINE 246761 72187 305 2921 5345 8571
FRANCE 1677 1558 113 514 1151 1778
MOLDOVA 3019 3237 941 413 1354
SLOVAKIA 741 1294 106 365 471
HUNGARY 1218 753 129 327 455
SERBIA 432 176 52 107 268 427
ROMANIA 382 525 68 117 239 424
GERMANY 369 1543 105 313 418
AUSTRIA 135 89 66 123 189
CHILE 6 33 79 79
POLAND 31 76 37 37
SPAIN 21 17 17
ARGENTINA 46 11 3 2 5
USA 119 163
Total 311615 105049 2929 7168 17729 27825




Countries – importers of corn from Belarus in January - March, MT

Export from Belarus, breakdown by country, MT (FCS) 2019 2020 2021 2021
1 2 3
LITHUANIA 14860 2068 4078 9426 15572
LATVIA 3920 5461 2842 2733 11036
DENMARK 1364 2028 252 2715 4995
NORWAY 14303 2055 311 508 2873
ESTONIA 916 297 184 481
UKRAINE 903 165 165
RUSSIA 28 50 3 40 106 149
Total 31 36317 11614 7986 15671 35272




Exports of corn to Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Exports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2019 2020 2021
jan 2 1 11614
feb 4 1 19600
mar 6 282 35272
apr 12 2018
may 14 3115
jun 14 3711
jul 19 3711
aug 20 4080
sep 23 4081
oct 25 5194
nov 27 14935
dec 31 36317




Imports of corn from Belarus by month, cumulative total, MT

Imports by Month, cumulative totals, MT 2019 2020 2021
jan 18896 16150 2929
feb 37745 30980 10097
mar 68601 62527 27825
apr 105898 77692
may 146824 91887
jun 189100 101148
jul 210947 101192
aug 218803 101212
sep 224469 101228
oct 246530 101292
nov 284883 102430
dec 311615 105049




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