Ukraine: Import and export for 9 months of 2021

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by Zerno.Ru, in 9 months (January - September) 2021:

  • Export of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made total 13 107 309 MT, in September only - 4 386 485 MT. Import of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made total 16 738 MT, in September only - 1 280 MT.
  • Export of barley (HS code 1003) has made total 4 240 308 MT, in September only - 1 061 595 MT. Import of barley (HS code 1003) has made total 39 644 MT, in September only - 151 MT.
  • Export of corn (HS code 1005) has made total 15 098 415 MT, in September only - 164 585 MT. Import of corn (HS code 1005) has made total 15 093 MT, in September only - 213 MT.
  • Export of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made total 83 468 MT, in September only - 12 366 MT. Import of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made total 12 523 MT, in September only - 467 MT.
  • Export and import of Ukraine in 9 months 2021 (main countries)

    HS code Good/Country Export Import
    Weight (MT) Value (thousand $) Weight (MT) Value (thousand $)
    1001 wheat and meslin (total) 13 107 309 3 146 221 16 738 4 825
    Bangladesh 616 821 152 220 0 0
    Belarus 0 0 15 100 3 068
    Egypt 1 908 061 468 108 0 0
    Yemen 546 625 135 375 0 0
    Ethiopia 414 763 106 600 0 0
    Indonesia 2 632 336 618 801 0 0
    Lebanon 454 382 111 019 0 0
    Libya 432 694 108 225 0 0
    Germany 2 506 1 485 562 700
    Pakistan 606 779 145 849 0 0
    Tunisia 442 432 107 336 0 0
    Turkey 1 068 613 251 078 0 0
    Philippines 409 009 92 071 0 0
    1002 rye (total) 57 970 12 159 1 261 2 323
    Latvia 2 989 598 0 0
    Lithuania 11 981 2 350 0 0
    Germany 6 9 1 023 2 105
    Poland 27 155 4 979 0 0
    Turkey 10 904 2 119 0 0
    1003 barley (total) 4 240 308 929 875 39 644 10 041
    Belarus 0 0 4 667 789
    China 2 615 167 600 067 0 0
    Libya 259 188 51 254 0 0
    Russia 0 0 28 564 6 727
    Saudi Arabia 306 905 62 848 0 0
    Turkey 471 127 94 836 0 0
    Sweden 0 0 5 992 2 022
    1004 oats (total) 13 153 3 050 410 113
    India 4 960 929 0 0
    Libya 2 085 397 0 0
    Germany 638 241 25 35
    Pakistan 3 025 627 0 0
    Hungary 726 318 0 0
    1005 corn (total) 15 098 415 3 616 266 15 093 78 616
    Austria 60 170 812 7 986
    Belgium 579 794 141 956 0 0
    Egypt 1 515 661 363 005 0 0
    Iran 1 147 569 299 945 0 0
    Spain 1 191 791 277 802 471 312
    China 4 948 649 1 173 568 0 0
    Netherlands 1 636 772 393 054 0 0
    Portugal 473 293 110 927 0 0
    Romania 228 386 1 897 7 514
    United Kingdom 524 822 121 044 0 0
    Hungary 327 926 4 140 15 140
    France 65 215 5 700 40 612
    1006 rice (total) 8 939 5 520 58 180 29 676
    India 0 0 22 648 11 267
    Kazakhstan 0 0 6 744 2 676
    China 0 1 16 440 7 324
    Pakistan 0 0 5 710 3 174
    Poland 659 344 19 24
    Moldova 1 768 1 005 23 10
    Russia 0 0 1 803 1 129
    Romania 858 520 0 0
    Turkey 5 106 3 362 39 21
    Czech Republic 513 259 0 0
    1007 sorghum (total) 44 116 10 419 382 1 602
    Israel 23 252 5 213 0 0
    Iraq 2 766 495 0 0
    United Arab Emirates 1 396 378 0 0
    Poland 3 731 1 174 0 0
    Turkey 6 912 1 675 0 0
    1008 buckwheat and other cereals (total) 125 311 35 262 16 515 8 781
    Belarus 0 0 2 536 529
    Indonesia 27 878 7 766 0 0
    Italy 3 773 1 175 0 0
    Kazakhstan 0 0 5 374 3 498
    Morocco 6 838 1 506 0 0
    Germany 8 363 2 777 0 0
    South Africa 4 883 1 284 0 0
    Poland 8 941 3 045 132 38
    Republic Of Korea 4 240 1 068 0 0
    Russia 0 0 8 260 4 221
    Usa 5 348 1 667 1 7
    Thailand 3 776 1 078 0 0
    1101 wheat flour and rye flour (total) 83 468 27 063 12 523 3 888
    Belarus 1 286 504 10 311 2 412
    The State of Palestine 12 158 4 168 0 0
    Djibouti 3 618 1 356 0 0
    Israel 11 265 3 832 0 0
    Italy 0 0 1 715 1 190
    United Arab Emirates 27 294 7 801 0 0
    Moldova 9 465 3 146 69 18
    Somalia 11 996 4 056 0 0
    1102 other flour (total) 839 472 12 264 2 393
    Belarus 209 62 12 031 2 259

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