Ukraine: Import and export for January-August 2024

According to the analysis of data by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine for January-August 2024, conducted by Zerno.Ru:

  • import of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made 296 MT (1.0% compared to the same period in 2023), export - 15M MT (139.0% compared to the same period in 2023). For August 2024 import of wheat and meslin has made 90,0 MT, export - 2,2M MT. .
  • Import of barley (HS code 1003) has made 265 MT (273.0% compared to the same period in 2023), export - 3M MT (159.0% compared to the same period in 2023). For August 2024 import of barley has made 22,0 MT, export - 524,8K MT. ;
  • Import of corn (HS code 1005) has made 7K MT (59.0% compared to the same period in 2023), export - 22M MT (118.0% compared to the same period in 2023). For August 2024 import of corn has made 89,0 MT, export - 774,6K MT.

Import and export of Ukraine for January-August 2024

Commodity Import Export
Value, 1000$ Volume, MT Value, 1000$ Volume, tn
wheat and meslin 344 296 2 548 286 14 574 775
rye 6 2 479 947
barley 291 265 404 135 2 513 437
oats 7 4 3 718 14 138
corn 34 661 7 071 3 588 232 22 105 452
rice 41 881 54 745 4 195 2 690
sorghum 187 25 5 026 28 345
buckwheat and other cereals 398 447 18 643 73 218
wheat flour and rye flour 1 274 1 447 13 668 48 229
other flour 109 70 1 044 3 404
bran 46 69 20 369 213 315

Import of Ukraine for January-August 2024 (by main countries)

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
1001 wheat and meslin France 143 41.6% 140
Germany 76 22.1% 0
Italy 42 12.2%
Other countries 83 24.1% 25
1002 rye France 4 66.7%
Germany 2 33.3% 0
1003 barley France 128 44.0%
Czech Republic 74 25.4% 24
Germany 51 17.5%
Other countries 38 13.1%
1004 oats Germany 7 100.0%
1005 corn France 16816 48.5% 27
Austria 5576 16.1% 0
Romania 4491 13.0% 0
Other countries 7777 22.4% 73
1006 rice China 10565 25.2% 819
India 9615 23.0% 855
Other countries 14104 33.7% 1952
1007 sorghum France 113 60.4%
Argentina 1 0.5%
1008 buckwheat and other cereals Peru 160 40.2%
Poland 89 22.4% 3
Canada 49 12.3%
Other countries 100 25.1% 0
1101 wheat flour and rye flour Italy 1225 96.2% 126
Belgium 17 1.3% 6
Finland 16 1.3%
Other countries 15 1.2% 0
1102 other flour Thailand 81 74.3%
Finland 15 13.8%
Poland 4 3.7% 0
Other countries 9 8.3% 1
2302 bran Belgium 27 58.7%
Finland 17 37.0%
Turkey 2 4.4%

Export of Ukraine for January-August 2024 (by main countries)

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
1001 wheat and meslin Spain 680917 26.7% 86593
Indonesia 290002 11.4% 82408
Egypt 270962 10.6% 30125
Other countries 1306404 51.3% 221287
1002 rye Poland 432 90.4%
Romania 36 7.5%
Bulgaria 8 1.7%
Other countries 2 0.4% 1
1003 barley China 198420 49.1% 60619
Spain 34330 8.5% 1098
Libya 25998 6.4% 8054
Other countries 145387 36.0% 19986
1004 oats Italy 1066 28.7%
Germany 555 14.9%
India 505 13.6% 415
Other countries 1592 42.8% 368
1005 corn Spain 661223 18.4% 12787
China 540143 15.1%
Egypt 434390 12.1% 1172
Other countries 1952475 54.4% 123477
1006 rice Turkey 4098 97.7% 1
Israel 5 0.1% 5
Other countries 19 0.5% 3
1007 sorghum Israel 2266 45.1%
Poland 692 13.8% 37
Romania 498 9.9% 44
Other countries 1569 31.2% 55
1008 buckwheat and other cereals Poland 4816 25.8% 470
Indonesia 1538 8.3% 260
Germany 1460 7.8% 136
Other countries 10829 58.1% 1123
1101 wheat flour and rye flour Moldova 3554 26.0% 715
Czech Republic 2585 18.9% 499
Other countries 4958 36.3% 508
1102 other flour Moldova 384 36.8% 66
Poland 113 10.8%
Israel 99 9.5% 31
Other countries 447 42.9% 43
2302 bran Turkey 10198 50.1% 1014
Morocco 4734 23.2% 1048
Romania 1704 8.4% 371
Other countries 3733 18.3% 542

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