Kazakhstan: The producer price of fine flour from wheat and meslin in September 2024

According to Statkom of Kazakhstan, the producer price of fine flour from wheat and meslin in September 2024 (excluding excises and VAT) decreased by 0.52 % and amounted to 175436 Tenge/MT (in 2023 - 163472 Tenge/MT, in 2022 - 179443 Tenge/MT), or RUB 33435.65/MT (at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by the middle of the reporting month).

Wholesale producers price of flour from wheat and meslin in Kazakhstan, tenge/tn (excluding excises and VAT)

2024 2023 2022 2021
Jan 172827 187373 141381 120784
Feb 173547 185491 141425 124594
Mar 173099 180254 143226 121822
Apr 172733 171801 158509 121790
May 173629 169309 165805 121725
Jun 173957 170826 173101 121546
Jul 175259 168796 177369 122887
Aug 176347 167353 177993 122926
Sep 175436 163472 179443 124382
Oct 176661 176478 131336
Nov 177135 175324 135782
Dec 178623 174830 137125

Wholesale producers price of flour from wheat and meslin in Kazakhstan, rubles/tn (at the exchange rate of the Central Bank for the middle of the reporting month, excluding excises and VAT)

2024 2023 2022 2021
Jan 33615.02 27371.82 24554.63 21220.3
Feb 35419.73 30283.63 25124.15 21973.65
Mar 35257.67 29680.26 32211.96 21364.9
Apr 35994.97 31126.39 28622.29 21403.13
May 35976.1 29425.4 24323.76 21012.9
Jun 34325.02 32109.31 22657.54 20393.47
Jul 32424.67 34306.94 21711.92 21322.37
Aug 33105.62 37929.39 22692.68 21238.42
Sep 33435.65 33879.9 22655.4 21219.2
Oct 36131.06 23216.21 22128.67
Nov 34696.67 22919.93 22665.68
Dec 35150.86 23600.83 23024.93

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