Ukraine: Import and export for January-December 2018

According to the analysis of data by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine for January-December 2018, conducted by Zerno.Ru:

  • import of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made 4040 MT (108.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 16373390 MT (95.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of wheat and meslin has made 608 MT, export - 1098857 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Germany (37.5%), Czech Republic (21.2%), France (15.3%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Indonesia (16.2%), Philippines (10.4%), Egypt (8.7%).
  • Import of rye (HS code 1002) has made 404 MT (216.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 103937 MT (415.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of rye has made 0 MT, export - 12932 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Germany (98.4%), Poland (1.3%), France (0.3%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Poland (37.7%), Philippines (13.9%), Lithuania (11.9%).
  • Import of barley (HS code 1003) has made 7384 MT (90.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 3597473 MT (74.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of barley has made 1319 MT, export - 121455 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Russian Federation (58.0%), Czech Republic (20.7%), Germany (11.8%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Saudi Arabia (65.9%), China (9.0%), Libya (6.5%).
  • Import of oats (HS code 1004) has made 729 MT (14580.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 8088 MT (73.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of oats has made 272 MT, export - 1681 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Russian Federation (84.9%), Germany (7.1%), Poland (5.1%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: India (36.6%), Switzerland (17.1%), Pakistan (8.9%).
  • Import of corn (HS code 1005) has made 37424 MT (102.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 21434430 MT (111.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of corn has made 5725 MT, export - 3260678 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Romania (31.1%), France (21.1%), Hungary (20.7%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Netherlands (14.7%), Spain (14.0%), China (14.0%).
  • Import of rice (HS code 1006) has made 86465 MT (113.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 3425 MT (277.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of rice has made 7603 MT, export - 296 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: India (35.4%), Pakistan (24.4%), China (12.6%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Moldova (40.8%), Turkey (34.5%), Romania (22.5%).
  • Import of sorghum (HS code 1007) has made 265 MT (64.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 123654 MT (83.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of sorghum has made 0 MT, export - 5141 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: USA (73.5%), France (15.1%), Argentina (11.0%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Spain (31.4%), Italy (21.2%), Israel (15.6%).
  • Import of buckwheat and other cereals (HS code 1008) has made 12009 MT (74.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 28404 MT (37.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of buckwheat and other cereals has made 840 MT, export - 3849 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Kazakhstan (54.4%), Russian Federation (32.5%), Peru (9.5%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Germany (23.4%), Poland (11.4%), Netherlands (9.8%).
  • Import of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made 10430 MT (239.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 305428 MT (69.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of wheat flour and rye flour has made 917 MT, export - 28418 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Belarus (58.1%), Italy (28.4%), Russian Federation (4.1%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: China (26.1%), Palestine (11.7%), Moldova (11.6%).
  • Import of other flour (HS code 1102) has made 7835 MT (33.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 1624 MT (110.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of other flour has made 550 MT, export - 113 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Belarus (93.4%), Congo, Republic (3.9%), Finland (0.8%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Slovenia (27.0%), Poland (14.6%), Moldova (13.9%).
  • Import of bran (HS code 2302) has made 205 MT (21.0% compared to the same period in 2017), export - 632072 MT (84.0% compared to the same period in 2017). For December 2018 import of bran has made 19 MT, export - 35016 MT. . The largest exporters to Ukraine in monetary terms were: Finland (35.2%), Germany (24.8%), Belgium (18.7%). The largest importers from Ukraine in monetary terms were: Turkey (87.3%), Saudi Arabia (4.0%), Israel (2.3%).

Import and export of Ukraine for January-December 2018

Commodity Import Export
Value, 1000$ Volume, MT Value, 1000$ Volume, tn
wheat and meslin 2 807 4 040 3 004 309 16 373 388
rye 671 404 15 504 103 937
barley 2 460 7 384 681 948 3 597 473
oats 99 729 1 764 8 088
corn 142 704 37 424 3 506 270 21 434 428
rice 38 471 86 465 2 346 3 425
sorghum 1 159 265 19 476 123 654
buckwheat and other cereals 2 749 12 009 9 119 28 404
wheat flour and rye flour 2 293 10 430 71 347 305 428
other flour 1 277 7 835 789 1 624
bran 315 205 84 244 632 072

Import of Ukraine for January-December 2018

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
1001 wheat and meslin Germany 1052 37.5% 11
Czech Republic 596 21.2% 0
France 429 15.3% 0
other countries 729 26.0% 119
1002 rye Germany 660 98.4% 0
Poland 9 1.3% 0
France 2 0.3% 0
1003 barley Russian Federation 1426 58.0% 295
Czech Republic 510 20.7% 0
Germany 291 11.8% 13
other countries 232 9.4% 0
1004 oats Russian Federation 84 84.9% 34
Germany 7 7.1% 0
Poland 5 5.1% 0
other countries 3 3.0% 0
1005 corn Romania 44329 31.1% 11382
France 30034 21.1% 1350
Hungary 29509 20.7% 4767
other countries 38832 27.2% 1281
1006 rice India 13624 35.4% 1494
Pakistan 9390 24.4% 627
China 4829 12.6% 96
other countries 10627 27.6% 990
1007 sorghum USA 852 73.5% 0
France 175 15.1% 0
Argentina 127 11.0% 0
other countries 5 0.4% 0
1008 buckwheat and other cereals Kazakhstan 1497 54.4% 188
Russian Federation 893 32.5% 7
Peru 262 9.5% 12
other countries 98 3.6% 13
1101 wheat flour and rye flour Belarus 1332 58.1% 139
Italy 651 28.4% 47
Russian Federation 93 4.1% 0
other countries 217 9.5% 12
1102 other flour Belarus 1192 93.4% 96
Congo, Republic 50 3.9% 0
Finland 10 0.8% 2
other countries 24 1.9% 1
2302 bran Finland 111 35.2% 9
Germany 78 24.8% 10
Belgium 59 18.7% 10
other countries 67 21.3% 1

Export of Ukraine for January-December 2018

Group Commodity Country Volume in money equivalent, USD
1000$ Market share In the reporting month (1000$)
1001 wheat and meslin Indonesia 487086 16.2% 40990
Philippines 312964 10.4% 45163
Egypt 261128 8.7% 12750
other countries 1943131 64.7% 122575
1002 rye Poland 5838 37.7% 472
Philippines 2148 13.9% 917
Lithuania 1844 11.9% 0
other countries 5673 36.6% 593
1003 barley Saudi Arabia 449493 65.9% 14077
China 61504 9.0% 0
Libya 44347 6.5% 6604
other countries 126604 18.6% 4914
1004 oats India 645 36.6% 178
Switzerland 301 17.1% 47
Pakistan 156 8.9% 0
other countries 661 37.5% 114
1005 corn Netherlands 515499 14.7% 107796
Spain 490034 14.0% 115283
China 489670 14.0% 41705
other countries 2011068 57.4% 240980
1006 rice Moldova 957 40.8% 104
Turkey 810 34.5% 0
Romania 527 22.5% 45
other countries 52 2.2% 18
1007 sorghum Spain 6117 31.4% 0
Italy 4126 21.2% 0
Israel 3035 15.6% 11
other countries 6199 31.8% 960
1008 buckwheat and other cereals Germany 2133 23.4% 240
Poland 1036 11.4% 24
Netherlands 894 9.8% 86
other countries 5055 55.4% 790
1101 wheat flour and rye flour China 18586 26.1% 1799
Palestine 8363 11.7% 1069
Moldova 8288 11.6% 615
other countries 36110 50.6% 3785
1102 other flour Slovenia 213 27.0% 0
Poland 115 14.6% 2
Moldova 110 13.9% 5
other countries 352 44.6% 21
2302 bran Turkey 73576 87.3% 3610
Saudi Arabia 3329 4.0% 0
Israel 1907 2.3% 0
other countries 5432 6.5% 509

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