By May 06, 2020, sowing of spring grain crops in Kazakhstan was completed on 794,7 thousand ha which makes 5.5% of total 14322.3 thousand ha planned (in 2019 - 520.3 thousand ha out of 14308.4 thousand hectares), according to the information received by Zerno.Ru from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
As of report date, grain maize was sown at 88.4 thousand hectares out of total 157.7 thousand hectares planned (in 2019 on the same date the progress was 51.4 thousand hectares out of 151.0 thousand hectares).
By May 06, 2020, rice was sown at 23.8 thousand ha out of 102.9 thousand ha planned in Kazakhstan (in 2019 - 2.4 thousand ha out of 99.9 thousand ha).
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