According to the analysis of customs declarations of FCS conducted by, in September 2018 Russia has imported 4.7 thousand tons of wheat. According to the results of 9 months of wheat import campaign, Russia has shipped in 194.1 thousand tons (in 2017 - 190.3 thousand MT; in 2016 - 466.5 thousand MT).
In the period January - September 2018, the main countries exporters of wheat to Russia were KAZAKHSTAN (56.55%) and UKRAINE (43.05%).
In September 2018 Russia has exported 4535 thousand tons of wheat. According to the results of 9 months of wheat export campaign, Russia has shipped out 31741.6 thousand tons (in 2017 - 20924.7 thousand MT; in 2016 - 17766.4 thousand MT).
In the period January - September 2018, the main countries importers of wheat from Russia were EGYPT (20.46%) and TURKEY (10.96%).
- Countries – exporters of wheat to Russia in January - September 2018, MT
- Countries – importers of wheat from Russia in January - September 2018, MT
- Exports of wheat to Russia by month, cumulative total, MT
- Imports of wheat from Russia by month, cumulative total, MT
Countries – exporters of wheat to Russia in January - September 2018, MT