According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by Zerno.Ru, in 8 months (January - August) 2018:

  • export of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made 1080.0 MT (4.1 times compared to the same period in 2017); import - 181.0 thousand MT (3.2 times compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of rye (HS code 1002) has made 18617.0 MT (7.5 times compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of barley (HS code 1003) has made 80.0 MT (25.20% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 32136.0 MT (32.80% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of oats (HS code 1004) has made 2908.0 MT (1739 times compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of corn (HS code 1005) has made 7522.0 MT (115 times compared to the same period in 2017); import - 128.0 thousand MT (245.80% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of rice (HS code 1006) has made 34764.0 kg (133.90% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 17435.0 MT (78.10% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of sorghum (HS code 1007) has made 151.0 MT (181.30% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of buckwheat and other cereals (HS code 1008) has made 88.0 MT (47.10% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 7186.0 MT (295.70% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made 14127.0 MT (81.80% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 20245.0 MT (202.90% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of other flour (HS code 1102) has made 34288.0 MT (37.30% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 819.0 MT (102.90% compared to the same period in 2017)
Export of the Republic of Belarus for January - August 2018 by main countries

According to the analysis of Statkom of the Republic of Belarus, conducted by Zerno.Ru, production of flour decreased over the month by 2.27% in September 2018 and has made 51.7 thousand MT (in the previous month - 52.9 thousand MT, in September 2017 - 59.8 thousand MT). Production of flour by January-September 2018 decreased compared to the same period last year by 17,17% and has made 455 thousand MT (in 2017 - 549 thousand MT)..

Согласно анализу данных Национального статистического комитета Республики Беларусь, проведенному Zerno.Ru, производство муки в сентябре 2018 года снизилось за месяц на 2,27% и составило 51,7 тыс. т (в предыдущем месяце - 52,9 тыс. т, в сентябре 2017 года - 59,8 тыс. т). Производство муки за январь-сентябрь 2018 снизилось по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года на 17,17% до 455 тыс. т (в 2017 году - 549 тыс. т)..

Согласно анализу данных Бюро национальной статистики Казахстана, проведенному Zerno.Ru, за 8 месяцев (январь - август) 2018 года со странами ЕАЭС:

  • экспорт пшеницы и меслина (ТН ВЭД 1001) составил 172,5 тыс. т (в 2017 году - 208,5 тыс. т), импорт - 68,8 тыс. т
  • импорт ржи (ТН ВЭД 1002) составил 10,7 тн
  • экспорт ячменя (ТН ВЭД 1003) составил 554 тн (в 2017 году - 12,5 тыс. т), импорт - 37,5 тыс. т
  • экспорт овса (ТН ВЭД 1004) составил 241 тн (в 2017 году - 6723,4 тн), импорт - 679,2 тн
  • экспорт кукурузы (ТН ВЭД 1005) составил 142,8 тн (в 2017 году - 46,5 тн), импорт - 339,9 тн
  • экспорт риса (ТН ВЭД 1006) составил 21,0 тыс. т (в 2017 году - 31,8 тыс. т), импорт - 4879,2 тн
  • импорт сорго (ТН ВЭД 1007) составил 29,7 тн
  • экспорт гречихи и прочих злаков (ТН ВЭД 1008) составил 0,1 тн (в 2017 году - 6 тн), импорт - 1717,6 тн
  • экспорт муки пшеничной и ржаной (ТН ВЭД 1101) составил 30,4 тыс. т (в 2017 году - 26,4 тыс. т), импорт - 1730,1 тн
  • импорт муки прочей (ТН ВЭД 1102) составил 1208,9 тн

Экспорт и импорт Казахстана со странами ЕАЭС, за 8 месяцев 2018 года по странам

According to the analysis of data by the Bureau of national statistics of Kazakhstan, conducted by Zerno.Ru, in 8 months (January - August) of 2018 with the EEA countries :

  • export of wheat and meslin (HS code 1001) has made 172,5 thousand MT, import - 68,8 thousand MT
  • import of rye (HS code 1002) has made 10,7 MT
  • export of barley (HS code 1003) has made 554 MT, import - 37,5 thousand MT
  • export of oats (HS code 1004) has made 241 MT, import - 679,2 MT
  • export of corn (HS code 1005) has made 142,8 MT, import - 339,9 MT
  • export of rice (HS code 1006) has made 21,0 thousand MT, import - 4879,2 MT
  • import of sorghum (HS code 1007) has made 29,7 MT
  • export of buckwheat and other cereals (HS code 1008) has made 0,1 MT, import - 1717,6 MT
  • export of wheat flour and rye flour (HS code 1101) has made 30,4 thousand MT, import - 1730,1 MT
  • import of other flour (HS code 1102) has made 1208,9 MT

Export and import of Kazakhstan with the EEA countries, for 8 months of 2018, by country

According to the analysis of customs declarations of FCS conducted by, in August 2018 Russia has imported 5.1 thousand tons of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour. According to the results of 8 months of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour import campaign, Russia has shipped in 26.5 thousand tons (in 2017 - 29.3 thousand MT; in 2016 - 26.9 thousand MT).
In the period January - August 2018, the main countries exporters of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour to Russia were KAZAKHSTAN (49.04%) and BELARUS (26.58%).

In August 2018 Russia has exported 13.0 thousand tons of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour. According to the results of 8 months of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour export campaign, Russia has shipped out 153.6 thousand tons (in 2017 - 108.1 thousand MT; in 2016 - 157.5 thousand MT).
In the period January - August 2018, the main countries importers of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour from Russia were CHINA (44.55%) and BELARUS (10.13%).


Countries – exporters of wheat flour and wheat-rye flour to Russia in January - August 2018, MT

Согласно анализу данных ФТС, проведенному, в августе 2018 года Россия импортировала 5,1 тыс. т муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной. По итогам 8 месяцев импорт муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной в РФ составил 26,5 тыс. т (в 2017 году – 29,3 тыс. т, в 2016 году – 26,9 тыс. т).
За период январь - август 2018 года, основными странами по экспорту муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной в РФ выступили КАЗАХСТАН (49,04%) и БЕЛАРУСЬ (26,58%).

В августе 2018 года Россия экспортировала 13,0 тыс. т муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной. По итогам 8 месяцев экспорт муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной из РФ составил 153,6 тыс. т (в 2017 году – 108,1 тыс. т, в 2016 году – 157,5 тыс. т).
За период январь - август 2018 года, основные страны-импортеры муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной из РФ - КИТАЙ (44,55%) и БЕЛАРУСЬ (10,13%).


Страны-экспортеры муки пшеничной и пшенично-ржаной в РФ за январь - август 2018 года, МТ

According to the analysis of data by the Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan, conducted by Zerno.Ru, for September 2018 average consumer wheat flour prices were 37.33 KGS / kg (-0.63% compared to the previous month, -3.80% YTD and -3.00% by September 2017) or 34.03 rubles / kg at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the middle of the reporting month

Согласно анализу данных национального статистического комитета Киргизии, проведенному Zerno.Ru, в сентябре 2018 года средние потребительские цены на муку пшеничную в/с составили 37,33 сомов/кг (-0,63% к предыдущему месяцу, -3,80% с начала года и -3,00% к сентябрю 2017 года) или 34,03 руб./кг по курсу ЦБ РФ на середину отчетного месяца

According to the analysis of customs declarations of FCS conducted by, in August 2018 Russia has imported 0.2 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 8 months of corn import campaign, Russia has shipped in 34.4 thousand tons (in 2017 - 40.0 thousand MT; in 2016 - 26.7 thousand MT).
In the period January - August 2018, the main countries exporters of corn to Russia were HUNGARY (26.80%) and FRANCE (25.57%).

In August 2018 Russia has exported 110.3 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 8 months of corn export campaign, Russia has shipped out 3898.9 thousand tons (in 2017 - 3332.5 thousand MT; in 2016 - 2991.9 thousand MT).
In the period January - August 2018, the main countries importers of corn from Russia were TURKEY (30.43%) and IRAN (23.09%).


Countries – exporters of corn to Russia in January - August 2018, MT



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