According to the analysis of customs declarations of FCS conducted by, in November 2017 Russia has imported 3.9 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 11 months of corn import campaign, Russia has shipped in 45.9 thousand tons (in 2016 - 33.8 thousand MT; in 2015 - 32.7 thousand MT).
In the period January - November 2017, the main countries exporters of corn to Russia were HUNGARY (27.52%) and FRANCE (23.27%).
In November 2017 Russia has exported 4625.8 thousand tons of corn. According to the results of 11 months of corn export campaign, Russia has shipped out 4625.8 thousand tons (in 2016 - 4791.8 thousand MT; in 2015 - 3236.1 thousand MT).
In the period January - November 2017, the main countries importers of corn from Russia were TURKEY (24.17%) and REPUBLIC OF KOREA (19.16%)..
- Countries – exporters of corn to Russia in January - November 2017, MT
- Countries – importers of corn from Russia in January - November 2017, MT
- Exports of corn to Russia by month, cumulative total, MT
- Imports of corn from Russia by month, cumulative total, MT
Countries – exporters of corn to Russia in January - November 2017, MT